Rockin' Event Review: Art Buddies Mentor Program

This fall I had a chance to be an Art Buddy. Art Buddies is an art mentoring program that pairs a creative adult with a child for one day a week after school for a semester. This program is very unique because it boasts one-to-one mentoring. During the semester the child and the mentor create a costume for the child to wear that represents the child's hopes for the future. The program ends with a parade of costumes thorough the halls with all their classmates cheering them on.

I had the privilege of helping Liyah create an Anime Panda Cat Costume (known to his friends as Pat). The costume perfectly embodied her cheerful, calm, and kind nature. She was also stirring a bowl of glitter because of her love for cooking for others.

Finished stirring wand, paws, and ears.

Finishing up the whiskers.

The hat is done!

I had to try it on too!

Finished costume just in time for the parade!

Starting the parade.

At the end of the program the kids took home their costumes and a Buddy book. We also made each other thank you cards that turned out adorable!

I highly recommend being a part of Art Buddies if you live in the Twin Cities area. This was one rockin' event even Steven Tyler wouldn't miss!