I have said it before and I am saying it again here. SHOW YOUR WORK!!!! As an artist living in 2016 I can share absolutely anything I have created or am working on with a click of a button. You never know who you will reach even if your idea or creation isn't the greatest most amazingest spectacle anyone has ever seen.
Think about it. My favorite change that came with the internet is the ability to share small ideas. 100 years or even 50 years ago if you had an idea it had to be a darn good one to get published. Now you can publish anything from anywhere and can connect with anyone around the world.
A fun example of sharing your work even if it isn't fantastic is a recent piece of fan art I created for Stranger Things. It isn't my best work but it was a fun concept. I drew a mashup of Stranger Things and Rescue Rangers and shared it on social media.
Stranger Things and Rescue Rangers Mashup!
And then this happened...
It was liked by the actual kid actors I drew from the show!
And yes it is really them.
This never would have happened if I didn't share this work with the world. I never would have connected with other fans and even actors from this amazing show if I didn't share my work. So have fun and don't worry if it isn't the greatest grandest mostest fantabulous thing ever.