As a kid I started out tracing and copying my favorite animated characters. I wanted to be able to draw just like those artists. After years of practice I developed my own style but continually got inspiration from other artists. I love seeing how different artists can draw the same subject and their interpretation can be wonderfully different from everyone else's.
So when my fellow artist Kaija Lea invited me to take part in the Style Challenge. I thought it would be a great learning opportunity. I decided to pick three artists who I truly admire. They have very different styles and are all brilliant in their execution.
Tim Burton style mermaid
The first artist's style I chose to imitate is Tim Burton. His work is always dark and imaginative. There is so much emotion is his illustrations. He always creates a whole new world and makes you truly live in his head.
Brittney Lee style mermaid
The second style was a paper illustration in the style of Brittney Lee. She uses bright patterns all over her illustrations. Her style was the hardest for me to attempt. Many paper artist imitate her work regularly but her ability to add complexity with patterns and flourishes to her characters is truly a unique vision that only she has.
Jerrod Maruyama style mermaid
Last but no least I tried doing the digital illustration style of Jerrod Maruyama. His charming style always features a whimsical childish flair that is instantly recognizable.
My original work
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and I truly admire all these artists. By trying to imitate their style I learned about their process, style choices, and how talented they truly are. I challenged you to take the Style Challenge. What style have you always wanted to try?