A very rare and special event was offered in St. Paul on August 7th. The F. Scott Fitzgerald House had an open house. This historical home is also a private residence that is now on the market. Bacause the homeowners are selling, this gave the public a rare opportunity to see inside the home where F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote his first published book, This Side of Paradise. The event was sold out to capacity and many interested passerbyers were turned away for not having a reservation.
The house is a stop on many tours of Summit Ave.
Dave Page speaking about the house
It was a self-guided open house. Unfortunately no photography was allowed inside the house because it is still a private residence. We went upstairs to the third floor to the famous attic room where he penned This Side of Paradise. After touring the entire residence we went out back for some desserts and cocktails.
Back of the house.
Outside view from the patio.
We then headed out front to hear from Dave Page as he talked more about the house and about the glitteratti of the day when F. Scott Fitzgerald lived on Summit Ave.
Stories about the house.
The front of the house.
The complex the house is part of.
F. Scott Fitzgerald House.
The house is currently for sale for the cool price of $650,000. If you are a literary nerd with some extra cash, this historic property could be yours!